House Armed Services Committee Republican Members Applaud NATO’s Endorsement U.S. Missile Defense Plan

Apr 2, 2008
Press Release

Contact: Josh Holly-202.226.3988 

House Armed Services Committee Republican Members Applaud NATO’s Endorsement U.S. Missile Defense Plan 

Washington D.C. – Today, Republican Members on the House Armed Services Committee commended the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for endorsing a plan to deploy an integrated missile defense system in Europe.  Specifically, NATO countries recognized the common threat posed by missiles and weapons of mass destruction and endorsed the deployment of a radar in the Czech Republic and 10 interceptors in Poland. 

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA): 

“We commend the member countries of NATO for recognizing the mutual missile and nuclear threats to our countries.  By endorsing the deployment of a radar in the Czech Republic and ten interceptors in Poland, NATO has taken a step toward protecting our common interests.  In addition, the Czech Republic should be applauded for finalizing an agreement with the United States to place the radar on Czech soil. 

“As President Bush continues his conversations in Europe, I would like to urge him to raise with Russian President Vladimir Putin the possibility of working with the United States to develop common missile defense systems.  One possible area of cooperation would be the basing of Navy Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense ships in Black Sea ports.  This concept would provide defense to areas of southeastern Europe not currently covered by the NATO-endorsed proposal and would provide a unique opportunity to cooperate with Russia.”   

Rep. Terry Everett (R-AL): 

“Given the current and emerging threats around the world, NATO should be commended for endorsing the plan to deploy U.S. missile defense capabilities in Europe.  Missile and nuclear threats endanger all of our nations.  By working together to build a common missile defense architecture, we will take a step closer to protecting the American people, our NATO allies, other allies and friends in the region and our forward-deployed forces.  We must also congratulate the Czech and U.S. negotiators for finalizing a bilateral agreement to station a U.S. radar in the Czech Republic to track ballistic missiles.” 

Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD): 

"I applaud NATO's endorsement of extending ballistic missile defense with new sites in the Czech Republic and Poland.  It is an important cooperative step with America's European allies toward a safer world.  I also support additional cooperative efforts with Russia to prevent, deter and defend against weapons of mass destruction." 

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ):  

“NATO’s endorsement of the missile interceptor site in Europe is a tremendous step in advancing defensive systems to protect the citizens of many nations from the common threat of Middle Eastern ballistic missiles.  We must continue cooperating to deploy an effective missile shield against our shared enemies.  Our friends in the Czech Republic who have agreed to host the x-band radar deserve great accolade as they have boldly acted to defend innocent lives, in spite of Russia’s saber rattling. It is my great hope that our friends in Poland will quickly take similar action to finalize an agreement to host the 10 interceptors.” 

Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO): 

“I am very pleased with NATO’s agreement to endorse President Bush’s plan to deploy an integrated missile defense system in Europe. It is a great day for our country’s future defense initiative.  The radar in the Czech Republic will enhance the ability of the current missile defense system to recognize and track potential missile threats from specific locations in the world.  Having ground based interceptors in Poland, strategically located closer to potential threats, will provide an intercept location that will create a greater opportunity to intercept missiles earlier in the flight path and increase the window of time during which an intercept can occur.  Located in Colorado Springs, the Missile Defense Integration and Operations Center has been instrumental in planning for the future European site and will continue to play an important role in the integration of the global Ballistic Missile Defense System.  I am continually cognizant of the growing threats in the 21st century by missiles and weapons of mass destruction, and I fully support steps that help protect the freedom of America and her allies.” 

Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA): 

“Today’s announcement is a tremendous endorsement of U.S. strategic initiatives to advance missile defense systems. Emerging military threats and rapidly developing technologies make a missile defense shield an absolute necessity to ensure the safety and security of America and its allies in Europe. As the nature of modern warfare continues to evolve, we must remain vigilant in our efforts to use every tool available to confront evil and protect and preserve freedom and liberty around the world. I recently received a briefing from the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense team in Dahlgren, VA. I saw firsthand the value of this technology and I am proud to represent the men and women who help execute this program. I know what a tremendous asset this will be for our armed forces and I am thrilled that NATO has chosen to endorse this important program.” 

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