Aug 30, 2021
Press Release

Washington, DC - U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL), Lead Republican of the House Armed Services Committee, has filed an amendment to increase the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) topline by nearly $25 billion, ensuring growth of 3 percent above inflation. Increasing the topline has been a priority for the House Armed Services Committee Republicans to ensure that the United States is adequately prepared for future conflict. 
A summary of the amendment is available here. 
“We cannot afford to cut corners and play politics with our national security, unfortunately that is all President Biden has done. President Biden’s proposed defense budget for FY22 was wholly inadequate – leaving our men in women in uniform in a vulnerable position and projected weakness to our adversaries. From China to Russia to Iran to North Korea to the threat of global terrorism – the United States faces no shortage of adversaries who work around the clock seeking ways to supplant or inflict harm on our nation. It is because of the real threats that we face that our military and national security efforts must be fully funded. The bipartisan National Defense Strategy Commission recommended that we take the step of increasing defense spending at least 3% above the rate of inflation to ensure that our nation is prepared to meet these threats – this amendment will do just that. I hope to see this amendment supported in our NDAA markup on Wednesday.”