Thornberry on HASC Passage of the FY21 NDAA

Jul 2, 2020
Press Release
H.R. 6395 Passes Committee Unanimously

WASHINGTON- Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, made the following statement after the Committee passed the FY21 NDAA by a vote of 56-0:

"Providing for the common defense is Congress’s first job. For sixty years members of both parties, putting our troops first and politics second, have come together to pass the NDAA and give our troop the resources, equipment, training, and policies they need to keep the country safe. This year, we have paid special attention to military families, who like the troops themselves, also do noble service for this country. While I don’t agree with everything in this bill, we have many opportunities ahead of us to continue perfecting it and I am pleased to support it." 

The FY21 NDAA contains many initiatives sponsored by Rep. Thornberry, including:
